Yoga for Self Love & Harmony
Yoga for Self Love & Harmony
A series of 5 online sessions
March 21th -29th, 2020

Apostolia Papadamaki
Our Body is our Temple
The inspiration for this course comes from the observation that we are the harshest judges of ourselves. Our monkey mind tortures us with a list of negative self-rejection thoughts that we are not in shape, we are not capable, we are not worthy or in other cases, we suffer from perfectionism and we lose the essence of a truthful intimate relationship with our self.
We need to embody gratitude so we can cultivate full acceptance, to become truly present so we can silence the monkey mind, to see discipline as freedom so we can find pleasure in our practice, to love deeply our body so we can achieve physical, emotional and spiritual growth. In other words, we need to be harmonized.
Yoga for Self Love & Harmony sessions are open to all levels, men, and women.
Register by completing the form at the bottom of this page
What we will do together
In this series of 5 group live sessions, we will develop a simple but very special 45’ Hatha Yoga practice designed especially to bring harmony to your body, mind and emotional state and deepen your intimate relationship with You.
༄ We will practice basic Asanas with extraordinary fluidity and relaxed strength.
༄ We will use our breath while we move to reach a meditative state of mind.
༄ We will achieve the effortless movement with anatomical precision.
༄ We will learn to develop a sounding breath so we can harmonize our nervous system.
༄ We will elevate our energy flow and open generously space for bliss.
You can attend the Yoga for Self Love & Harmony online live sessions via Zoom and practice from the comfort of your home. Just complete the registration form at the bottom of this page.
When finishing your registration for your online course you will receive an invitation link from Zoom online live meetings platform. Accept the invitation and attend the course live.
No worries if you miss a session or if you want to repeat the practice, the replay video will be provided to you right after each live session!

༄ Saturday, March 21st: 4:00 - 4:45 pm EET
༄ Monday, March 23nd: 4:00 - 4:45 pm EET
༄ Wednesday, March 25th: 7:00 - 7:45 pm EET
༄ Friday, March 27th: 7:00 - 7:45 pm EET
༄ Sunday, March 29th: 7:00 - 7:45 pm EET
What you need
A Yoga or Fitness mat, a cushion, a bottle of water.
Out of respect and understanding of the times, we live in, contributions are not mandatory to attend this course. We would be grateful If you choose to contribute and support our Happiness Retreat teachings and offerings.
We trust you to determine the amount but you can always enroll in this course for free.