Powerful Breath Activation
Powerful Breath Activation
A series of 5 online sessions
March 20th -28th, 2020

Apostolia Papadamaki
Your Breath matters
The most important part of moving through these turbulent times is to maintain a healthy body and a relaxed state of mind.
Learning how to reach your full breathing capacity matters now more than ever as we all need to boost our energy levels, cultivate deeper self-awareness, strengthen our immune system, maintain emotional balance and rejuvenating sleep. Breath is the essence of your life, the nectar of your vital force.
Your breathing capacity determines the amount of life force that flows throughout your body since the day you were born, your breath is your superpower physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Register by completing the form at the bottom of this page
What we will do together
In this series of 5 group live sessions we will develop a 45’ min practice of embodied anatomy and breathing exercises so you can learn:
- What are your automated breathing habits
- What is the diaphragm and how it works
- How you can breathe effectively and efficiently
- What is natural breath and controlled breath
- Emotions and how they affect breath
- Chest breathing and how to change to belly breathing
- Energizing your diaphragm and the abdomen (Kapalbhati Pranayama)
- Clearing your respiratory system ( Nadi Shodhana Pranayama)
- Restoring balance in your nervous system ( Visual Nadi Shodhana)
So you can feel you are:
༄ Energized yet relaxed
༄ In control of your emotions
༄ Mindful
༄ Focused
༄ Healthy
༄ Powerful
༄ Happy
You can attend the Powerful Breath Activation online live sessions via Zoom and practice from the comfort of your home. Just complete the registration form at the bottom of this page.
When finishing your registration for your online course you will receive an invitation link from Zoom online live meetings platform. Accept the invitation and attend the course live.
No worries if you miss a session or if you want to repeat the practice, the replay video will be provided to you right after each live session!
༄ Friday, March 20th: 4:00 - 4:45 pm EET
༄ Sunday, March 22nd: 4:00 - 4:45 pm EET
༄ Tuesday, March 24th : 4:00 - 4:45 pm EET
༄ Thursday, March 26th : 7:00 - 7:45 pm EET
༄ Saturday, March 28th : 7:00 - 7:45 pm EET
Out of respect and understanding of the times, we live in, contributions are not mandatory to attend this course. We would be grateful If you choose to contribute and support our Happiness Retreat teachings and offerings.
We trust you to determine the amount but you can always enroll in this course for free.